Čeština Čeština

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions

What type of fund is it?

SICAV. The company issues founder shares and investment shares, serving as an investment vehicle for investors.

What is the minimum investment?


Profit Distribution?

Profits are distributed annually.

Investment Updates?

Clients receive regular newsletters and other materials designed to inform investors about the company's activities and developments. Additionally, we are preparing a client portal where all information and investment overviews will be easily accessible.

Frequency of Reports and Overviews?

Investment reports and overviews are provided regularly to keep investors well-informed.


Do you have any further questions?

Please leave us your phone number or email address, and we will contact you promptly.
Or contact us directly at:

Registered in Malta bearing registration number SV608.

Registered Office: 171, Triq L-Ifran, Valetta, VLT 1455, Malta.

Email: info@apfgroupcr.com
Phone: +420 606 438 398